Pediatric occupational therapy

We want to get your child back to play time and all the activities of daily living. Advocate Children’s Hospital offers occupational therapy (OT) services that provide evaluation and treatment to improve your child's functional performance. We work to improve their fine motor skills, sensory processing, feeding skills, ability to dress themselves, schoolwork, and motor planning and coordination.

Why choose us?

We have a strong interdisciplinary and family-centered approach to treatment. Our staff has participated in research of the motor development and treatment of high-risk infants. We are involved in the training of students and resident physicians. We also provide education to the community. Our OT staff members have strong relationships with other disciplines and physicians in the clinic settings at Advocate Children’s Hospital.

Our treatments

Our therapists have expertise in:

  • Aquatic therapy
  • Upper extremity splinting
  • Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT)
  • Therapeutic taping
  • Sensory integration treatment
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)
  • Spasticity management
  • Adaptations for positioning and activities of daily living
  • Therapeutic listening
  • Sequential oral sensory approach to feeding

Our highly experienced occupational therapy staff members are trained in pediatric neurodevelopmental treatment and advanced treatment of sensory integrative dysfunction.

Get care

Kid-focused. Close to home. We're here for your child in person and online.

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Care focused on kids