Meet our team

Our experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons treat your child for problems affecting their brain, spine, peripheral nerves or muscle control. They will work with your primary care physician and other specialists to develop an individual treatment plan for your child.

Children generally see neurologists for conditions that can be treated with medicine and may not show up on MRI, X-ray or other kinds of imaging. Children usually see neurosurgeons for conditions that are treated with surgery and do show up on imaging.

Advocate Children’s Hospital providers

Pediatric neurologists

Nishant Shah, MD

Farha Tokarz, MD

Mo Ikramuddin, MD

Michael Hammer, MD

Aliesje Sorgeloos, MD

Ryan Coates, MD

Pediatric neurosurgeons

Dimitrios Nikas, MD

John Ruge, MD

Daphne Li, MD

Advanced practice clinicians

Elizabeth Lakani, CPNP

Amy Calandriello, CPNP

Savanah Glazer, CPNP

UChicago Medicine Comer Children's Hospital providers

Pediatric neurologists

Douglas Nordli, MD (Co-Chief, Neurosciences Service Line, CCHA)

Henry David, MD

Emily Doll, MD

Moon Hee Hur, MD

Julia Henry, MD

Carol Macmillan, MD

Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD

James Tonsgard, MD

Montida Veeravigrom, MD

Pediatric neurology advanced practice clinicians

Danielle Natarus, APN

Audrey Oetomo, APN

Pediatric neurosurgeons

Eric Thompson, MD (Chief, Neurosurgery, CCHA)

Bakhtiar Yamini, MD

Peter Warnke, MD

Pediatric neurosurgery advanced practice clinicians

Judie Holleman, APRN
Amanda Johnson, APRN

Pediatric neurosurgery physician assistant

Julia McGrath, PA

NorthShore University HealthSystem providers

Pediatric neurologists

Takijah Heard, MD

Leslie Finkel, MD

Margaret Michaelson, MD

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Care focused on kids