James's story

Within 24 hours of being born, James was diagnosed with a broken heart. He was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Advocate Christ Medical Center where he was diagnosed with Shone’s complex, aka hypoplastic left heart variant syndrome – a congenital heart defect that affects the left side of his heart.

The team not only cared for James as he waited for his first open heart surgery, but for the whole family. The staff made sure his mom, who had recently undergone a C-section, didn’t overdo it. They also found a place for the family to stay nearby and arranged for family to visit James while he was baptized the day before his surgery.

After surgery, James was transferred to the Pediatric Surgical Heart Unit where the pediatric cardiologist took extra time to make sure the family understood his diagnosis and shared updates at rounds.

Once James was well enough to go home, the physicians and nurses provided guidance to the family for the transition. An at-home nurse made visits during the critical time between the first and second surgeries.

James’s family says they’re grateful for the physicians and nurses at Advocate Children’s Hospital who demonstrated a level of commitment to James's health that far exceeded their expectations.

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