Children's heart programs

Find a heart specialist

Our heart team offers extensive skills and training across many pediatric heart subspecialties. All of our doctors are committed to giving your child the same excellent, compassionate care that they would expect for their own.

Adult congenital heart disease

If you have a congenital heart defect, you’ll need to receive care throughout your life, and you’ll be best served by our adult congenital heart disease team of clinicians who can understand your complex and unique needs.

Arrhythmia and electrophysiology

Having an irregular heartbeat can be unnerving. Our arrhythmia and electrophysiology team can help get your child’s heart back on beat by working in collaboration with their primary care team and other medical teams.

Cardiac catheterization

Being diagnosed with congenital heart disease doesn’t necessarily mean needing to undergo surgery for treatment. Cardiac catheterization is a safe, nonsurgical way for specially trained pediatric cardiologists to help diagnose complicated heart conditions.

Cardiovascular genetics

Sometimes heart conditions are inherited, meaning our bodies carry genes that increase the chance we’ll develop heart problems. Our specially trained cardiovascular genetic counselors are here to help your family understand what it means to have an inherited heart condition, explore your family and medical history, and help facilitate decisions around genetic testing.

Cardiac imaging

If your child’s doctor suspects your child may have a heart problem, cardiac imaging might help the doctor find out what’s going on. Using various advanced technologies, we’re able to visualize your child’s heart in incredible detail using a variety of techniques to diagnose heart conditions and disorders.

Cardiac neurodevelopmental

Undergoing complex heart surgery as an infant or toddler could cause your child to experience physical, cognitive and/or socioemotional development delays. Our cardiac neurodevelopmental team is here to help identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and support them throughout childhood so they can reach their full potential and optimize their quality of life.

ECMO treatment

If your child is having trouble breathing on their own due to heart or lung disease, they might benefit from extra support. An extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) provides support for the heart and lungs when those organs are so severely diseased or damaged that they no longer work on their own.

Fetal heart 

Our fetal heart cardiologists diagnose, monitor and treat heart conditions that occur in the fetus. We also work with obstetricians and maternal fetal medicine doctors to help plan for a safe delivery.

Heart failure

If your child has been diagnosed with heart failure, our experienced team is here to help the entire family navigate this complicated disease. We’ll work with you on developing the best treatment plan to meet your child’s unique needs.

Pediatric cardiology

Some heart problems are detected at birth while other problems develop over time. If your child’s been diagnosed with a heart problem, our board-certified pediatric cardiologists have the knowledge and resources to help your child get well.

Pediatric cardio-oncology

Pediatric cancer survivors are at higher risk of developing conditions linked to heart disease. Our dedicated pediatric cardio-oncology program helps prevent and treat heart problems in children who have undergone cancer treatment.

Pediatric cardiovascular surgery

Many children born with a severe congenital heart defect will require surgery to treat or repair the defect. Our pediatric heart surgeons have the experience and skill to treat these patients of all ages from birth through adolescents and adults.

Preventive cardiology

Heart disease can develop over a lifetime. That’s why our preventive cardiology program is designed to help improve the lives of children who are at an increased risk for heart disease.

Single ventricle heart defects

Having a child born with a single ventricle heart defect such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome can be very scary. That’s why our team at the Single Ventricle Clinic is here to provide comprehensive multidisciplinary care for your child from birth through the transition to the adult congenital heart program.

Second opinions for your child’s heart

We regularly provide second opinions on diagnoses and treatment recommendations for families around the world. After meeting with the patient individually, we bring your child’s information to our entire team of dozens of specialists for careful review and recommendations.

Meet our specialists

We bring together an expert heart team to help children and adults with heart disease get the care they need to lead healthy, happy and productive lives. Our team includes:

  • Cardiothoracic surgeons
  • Cardiovascular surgeons
  • Genetic counselors
  • Interventional cardiologists
  • Pediatric cardiac nurses and nurse coordinators

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KID-focused, parent-friendly