Typically, the heart’s lining looks smooth and healthy. But when an infection called endocarditis changes that appearance, our team steps in. We closely monitor the situation and provide the care your child needs to recover.

What is endocarditis?

Endocarditis is an uncommon infection of the heart’s lining, one that may harm the surface of the valves that pump blood. Untreated, endocarditis in children can lead to heart failure, so you must seek expert evaluation after spotting warning signs.

Endocarditis symptoms

If endocarditis occurs in children, it’s usually present at birth. Babies and children may experience:

  • Tiredness
  • Fevers
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Weight loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • Rash
  • Night sweats

Endocarditis causes

Endocarditis most often occurs when bacteria enters the bloodstream and attaches to the inside lining of the heart, creating an infection. The bacteria can get in because of:

  • Congenital heart defects: Leaking valves and other heart changes present at birth provide an opening.
  • Dental procedures: Bacteria may enter the body if a dental tool cuts the gums, allowing bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream.
  • Certain surgeries: Some surgeries, including tonsillectomies and gallbladder removal, have a higher risk of introducing bacteria into the heart.
  • Vulnerable heart valves: Damage to the valves from disease or certain procedures leaves the heart more susceptible to bacterial infection.

Endocarditis diagnosis

To identify or confirm a diagnosis of endocarditis in your child, our specialists:

  • Speak with you about your child’s symptoms and medical history
  • Examine your child for signs of bacteria in the heart
  • Run blood tests to check for bacteria levels and types
  • Arrange an echocardiogram to see if there are visible bacteria clumps inside the heart

Endocarditis treatment at Advocate Children’s Hospital

Most likely, your child needs monitoring and medications to recover from endocarditis. Typically, our team injects antibiotics into the bloodstream and watches to make sure your child responds well. In rare situations, we may perform heart surgery to correct damage.

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