Pediatric Clinical Pathways

Cranial Ultrasound

Delivery Room and Respiratory Management


Infectious Processes & Antimicrobials


Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS)

Neonatal Transfusion

Nutrition Management

Pain & Sedation

Therapeutic Hypothermia

Vascular Access

The clinical pathways are based upon publicly available medical evidence and/or a consensus of medical practitioners at the Advocate Children’s Hospital (“ACH”) and are current at the time of publication. These clinical pathways are intended to be a guide for practitioners and may need to be adapted for each specific patient based on the practitioner’s professional judgment, consideration of any unique circumstances, the needs of each patient and their family, and/or the availability of various resources at the health care institution where the patient is located.

Accordingly, these clinical pathways are not intended to constitute medical advice or treatment, or to create a doctor-patient relationship between/among Advocate Children’s Hospital, its physicians and the individual patients in question. ACH does not represent or warrant that the clinical pathways are in every respect accurate or complete, or that one or more of them apply to a particular patient or medical condition. ACH is not responsible for any outcomes a patient might experience where a clinician consulted one or more such pathways in connection with providing care for that patient.

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KID-focused, parent-friendly