Community involvement

Advocate Children’s Hospital encourages community members and special visitors or groups to visit our patients and families. These visits provide enriched experiences for all involved – especially the children.

Organizations wishing to visit Advocate Children’s Hospital must receive approval from the Child Life, Creative Arts Therapies and Education Department before visiting.

If we’re unable to accommodate your group, we encourage you to consider an alternate option such as completing a service project or making a gift donation for our patients.

Please read over our guidelines to see if your group meets our criteria. If you’re hosting a special event at the hospital, you must be part of a group, organization, community group or corporation.

You can contact our Child Life, Creative Arts Therapies and Education department programs in advance for approval.

Things to know before you come

  • Advocate Children’s Hospital will observe visitor restrictions during flu season, which lasts approximately from October to April. During this time, we are more limited on how many special visitors will be allowed into the hospital.
  • All visitors that come in during flu season must have their flu shot. Please contact our department for more information.
  • If your organization is approved and would like to bring in gifts to pass out, please contact our child life team for more information


Young children can often be overwhelmed by large numbers of people. We ask that you limit your group’s size to six, but will allow a maximum of 10.

All special visitors must be over the age of 18 and out of high school. Other rules that apply include:

  • Toys and favors must be approved by the Child Life Department before being distributed.
  • Stuffed animals, handmade cards, items with latex, food or religious items are not permitted.
  • Edible treats are not allowed due to dietary restrictions on several of our patients.
  • Performances may not include live animals, candles, knives or other potentially harmful materials or items.
  • Latex balloons may not be distributed to the children, as they are a choking hazard. Mylar balloons are allowed.
  • We may not allow certain visiting groups or performances based on appropriateness in a hospital setting.

Our children and families come from various social backgrounds, home environments, religions and nationalities. Our mission is to respect those differences and avoid offering just one point of view.

In respect to this diversity, any program with religious content must be discussed with and approved by the Child Life, Creative Arts Therapies and Education departments before being presented.


Advocate Children's Hospital is not liable for loss or damage to personal property. Individuals and groups visiting Advocate Children's Hospital assume all responsibility for any personal belongings or equipment brought into hospital property.

Contact us

Please contact an Advocate Children’s Hospital location below for more information.

Advocate Children’s Hospital – Oak Lawn

708-684-4142, Ext. 1


Advocate Children’s Hospital – Park Ridge



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KID-focused, parent-friendly