Poison prevention

Your child’s curiosity is constantly growing. So are the chances they’ll accidentally stumble upon a toxic substance in your home.

Medications, detergents, cleaning materials and more. We’re with you every step of the way with advice on how best to keep dangerous substances out of reach – and your child away from harm.

Keeping dangerous substances out of reach

At Advocate Children's Hospital, we’re an educational resource satellite for the Illinois Poison Center. Dedicated to poison prevention, we’re committed to teaching you and your child the best ways to stay safe.

Things you can do right now

  • Keep all medications locked up and out of your child's reach.
  • Make sure all bottles are properly labeled and carefully stored out of your child's reach.
  • Store any alcohol out of the reach of your child.
  • Don’t store kitchen cooking substances or cleaning materials in lower cabinets or under your sink. Be sure to stow them up and away from your child’s reach.
  • Keep any pesticides, bug sprays, pest traps or similar products out of reach.
  • Be mindful of the dangers outside your home, such as the garage. Gas cans, oil, car wax and polish. Place them high up and out of the way.
  • Beware of plants that can be toxic to people and animals. Consult with your florist or garden center before planting them in your yard or bringing them into your house.

Visit the Illinois Poison Center for more information.

In case of emergency

If you think your child has ingested or come into contact with a toxic substance, call 911 or 800-222-1222 immediately to speak to an Illinois Poison Center expert.

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